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List All Products



List All Products


Query Parameters

    page integer

    Zero based page number of the products to retrieve

    size integer

    Possible values: >= 1

    Default value: 20

    The number of products to retrieve

    sort string

    Possible values: [name, friendly_name, abbreviation]

    The field to sort results by

Header Parameters

    x-api-client-id any

    Either x-api-client-id or Authorization header must be provided.



    content object[]required
  • Array [
  • id uuidnullable
    name PolicyType

    Possible values: [event-participation-cancellation-insurance, event-host-liability, event-host-cancellation, pet-insurance, shipping, collectibles, medsaver, gap-medical, regsaver, travel, tuition, registration-cancellation, ticket-refund, renters, season-interruption, team-registration, membership-insurance]

    friendly_name string
    abbreviation string
    description string
    peril_heading string
    perils string[]
    descriptors string[]
    promotional_header string
    promotional_description string
    promotional_icon string
    accept_action_text string
    decline_action_text string
    legal_disclaimer string
    privacy_policy_url string
    terms_conditions_url string
    additional_policy_purchase_email_message string
  • ]
  • pageable objectrequired
    order_by object[]required
  • Array [
  • ignore_case booleanrequired
    direction Sort.Order.Directionrequired

    Possible values: [ASC, DESC]

    property stringrequired
    ascending boolean
  • ]
  • number int32
    size int32required
    sort objectrequired
    order_by object[]required
  • Array [
  • ignore_case booleanrequired
    direction Sort.Order.Directionrequired

    Possible values: [ASC, DESC]

    property stringrequired
    ascending boolean
  • ]
  • page_number int32
    offset int64
    size int32
    empty boolean
    number_of_elements int32
    totalSize int64required
    totalPages int32